Thursday, December 29, 2016

[DFO] Indra in Anton Raid

I'm a noob Indra...
But I will write this anyway.
Keep in mind that what you will read are suggestions, not answers.

1. Role in raid

I think of Indra (Asura) as hold/Ddps.
In this post, I will focus talking about how to hold.

Indra will be sent to anywhere
(although I notice that many Indras are sent to Naval).

2. Skills

There are many, many skills that are necessary.
I will just talk about some of them.

2.1. Wave Wheel Slasher

Holding skill, also creates a Wave Manifestation.
Lv.1 is enough.

2.2. Ground Quaker, Ground Quaker Upgrade

Very good holding skill.
Give 5 points to Ground Quaker,
since it increases holding time.

2.3. Agni Pentacle

This skill is the main damage skill of Indra,
and as well as a holding skill.
Must master.

2.4. Glacial Wave Sword

Very good, instant holding skill (when you learn Thunder God Energy).

2.5. Magma Wave Sword

It's not instant holding, but again,
very good holding skill.

3. Items

3.1. Damage gears

You may have heard that Indra can enter raid with chronicle 9 set.
Simply, the answer is no.

Although Furious Rampage 9 set is useful,
it has limitations.

Problem is that only Spirit Crescent is enhanced.
 Since Ghost Orb and Ground Quaker are hardly used to damage,
your only damage becomes Spirit Crescent, and it's not strong enough.
It might be fine in Naval Cannon Defense,
but not really, in anywhere else.
(And people don't usually put good cards into chronicles,
which also makes this setting lack critical rate)

If you want to enter raid and do your job,
What I suggest is Gracia 6 set.

Gracia 6 set is very good to Indra.
It increases light damage and gives bonus light damage.

And with that,
it's good to get Gigantic Presence 3 set,
or some other equips that increases light damage.

Keep in mind that you need to get
damage increase (smash), critical damage increase (crit. smash),
and full critical rate.
(Murderous Wave gives around 15%, and there is 3% crit. rate as default)

Besides those,
what is not required, but good to have,
is electrocution setting for Tog.
(items that:

1. increases Thunder God Energy level
2. increases Electrocution damage, Skill damage, INT
3. Decreases abnormal status of monster)

3.2. Utility

Cyborg Kick, or Imp Becky's Shoes,
increases movement speed by 100% for a short duration.
These items have many usages,
and are really good to have.
You can buy these shoes with Blue/Oblivion Meteors.

4. Detailed know-how

4.1. Source of Black Smoke

First named monster you will see is Tog.

If you have electrocution setting, 
Turn on your Wave Eye & Heavenly Vajra.
Then, just keep on attacking Tog with it.

Or, if that is not the case,
wait for the orb, and then attack Tog.

Boss is Annihilator Nerbe.

To hold,
start with Glacial Wave Sword.
Glacial Wave Sword holds the monster right away,
and gives you time to use more skills.
I suggest using Ice & Fire Wave Sword,
and then Magma Wave Sword & Spirit Crescent.
This will continue the hold of Nerbe.

 Then, you can use Thunder God,
and Ground Quaker.
If you see that Nerbe is being held by Ground Quaker,
cancel Ground Quaker motion with Deadly Enticer.
and then, use Agni Pentacle.

Nerbe will be held ALL THE TIME
during this combo.
After Agni Pentacle, if Nerbe did not die,
you can use Wave Wheel Slasher,
and wait for the next turn to start the hold all over again.

4.2. Naval Cannon Defense

Indra will often be sent to Naval.
It is usually Saint's job to count the clock,
but in case Saint forgets/does not know how,
you should look at the clock when you enter the 2nd room.

It's important not to use cubes when the guardians are up,
and there is an easy way to tell when the guardians are spawning.

When you enter the second room,
look at the clock.
On the picture above, it says 36:57.

Guardians spawn every 50 seconds.
Therefore, you can just add +10 seconds to the last 2 digits,
and predict the guardian spawn time.
For example, the clock above says 57,
so the spawning times are going to be 07,17, and 27.
(36:07, 35:17, 34:27)

You can use any skills to kill the monsters when guardians are not spawned.
Spirit Crescent is very useful here.
and so is Wave Sword: Indra Net.

When guardian appears, kill it without using cube skills.

If you get used to the timer,
try using Agni Pentacle or 2nd Awakening
a second before guardians spawn.

4.3. Shaking Battleground

On both Doom Plagnus and Doom Taiorik,
holding should be very simple & easy.

Just use Glacial Wave Sword - Magma Wave Sword -
Ground Quaker - Deadly Enticer - Agni Pentacle.

(Doom Plagnus will not be held by Agni Pentacle)
 You can mix some skills in between wave swords, if you want.

 When you enter right room (Doom Taiorik),
you can use Cyborg Kick (or Imp Becky's Shoes)
to dash faster.

4.4. Durable Leg

First named monster is Flame Krave.

Use Wave Wheel Slasher to put zombies into circles.
If your party member makes a mistake,
fix it with Deadly Enticer.

Second Monster is Gatekeeper Kratek.

And as you know, when you enter,
Kratek will start casting his skills.

Luckily, Indras do not have to worry about timing.

When you enter,
just walk up to level with Kratek, and use Glacial Wave Sword.
You do not have to wait for the right timing.
As soon as Kratek becomes vulnerable,
Gracial Wave Sword will hold him.

Just use the usual combo on him to keep holding & damaging.

The boss is Brilliant Flame Agnes.

First, you have to kill illusions.

When illusions spawn, use Ground Quaker to hold them.
Then, use Deadly Enticer to gather them & cancel your motion.

After that, just keep hitting illusions with skills you find preferable.

When the illusions die,
go up to Agnes.
As you know, Agnes will cast "eyes" on you,
and you will see the magic circle under her.

You do not have to wait for the circle to disappear.
Just use Glacial Wave Sword.
When the circles disappear, Agnes will be held.
Use the usual combo.

 You can use Thunder God, if you want to.
Then, use Agni Pentacle.

If you have Heavenly Vajra on,
I suggest to re-activate it before Agnes opens eye.

 4.5. Cutting Off Energy

Absorbent Egene is the boss.

Indra can do two things here.
One, Indra can bait Egene,
and two, Indra can cancel the eye pattern.

To bait as Indra (and any other m.slayers),
dash up to in front of Egene,
turn around,
and then use Wave Wheel Slasher to Tartan Warrior.

When Egene is baited,
Use skills you like, but make sure to maintain the hold all the time.
This will cancel the eye pattern.


In hatcheries, there is not much special to do.

Infected Hatchery

When you enter the second room, there will be
Power Arm Kuro, and Black Fire Rok.

Go in between those two,
and use Deadly Enticer to pull them together.
Then, use Agni Pentacle.

4.6. Black Volcano

First named monster is Kres of Black Smoke.

If you think your party has enough dps,
Just use Magma Wave Sword to hold initially,
and after using a few skills, hold & damage with Agni Pentacle.

If not, and you need to hold longer than that,
you can start with Glacial Wave Sword.

Next is Magtonium 5.

Magtonium 5 should be held very fast,
or else it will launch itself up to the air for a long time.

I suggest wearing Cybolg Kick (or Imp Becky's Shoes)
the room before.
(Make sure not to dash with it yet)

Then, when you enter the room,
quickly go up to level with Magtonium 5,
and use Glacial Wave Sword.

Next named is Abyssal Medel.

When you enter Medel's room,
just go down and level with Medel,
and use Glacial Wave Sword.
Shorty after that, your party members will be stepping on the blocks,
and Medel will be paralyzed by Glacial Wave Sword.

 Boss is Omnipotent Mateka.

 I find it most easy to use Wave Wheel Slasher to pull orbs.
Use whatever skill you prefer to pull the orbs.

When you put in Blood (血) orb,
Make sure not to use any skills that holds monster.
I just suggest using Agni Pentacle.

When you put Ground (土) orb,
When Meltadorok appears,
immediately hold it with Glacial Wave Sword,
and continue holding until it dies.

For 2nd Phase, there is nothing special.
Just hold Mateka with Glacial Wave Sword,
and use any skills you want to kill Mateka.

5. End

Thanks for reading.
I don't have tons of experience as Indra in raid,
but here it is anyways, and if you have questions,
you can ask here or mail [Youngi] in game.

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